Papers + Posters

Conference Topics

Conference sessions will feature paper and poster presentations, videos, panel discussions, and Q&A opportunities around the following higher education makerspace topics.

  • Educational Research to Understand the Values of Making
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Making
  • Emerging Hardware and Software Tools for Makers
  • Community and Industry
  • Defining Success:  Metrics, Data Collection, & Impact
  • Funding Models, Revenue Streams & Sustainability
  • Makerspace Mission, Vision, Goals & Core Values
  • Management & Staffing Models
  • Navigating Policies and Politics to Promote Campus Collaborations
  • Role of Libraries in Promoting Academic Making
  • Space Design, Workflow, Equipment, and Safety & OSHA Regulations
  • Spaces for Industrial Design, Art, Architecture, Jewelry, and Fashion
  • Supporting and Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Training, Documentation and Competency Certification
  • User Engagement, Programming and Controlling Access
  • Literature Surveys relevant to Academic Makerspaces

ISAM fosters broad research into all aspects of planning, launching, and running Academic Makerspaces. This year ISAM will feature two different tracks. The Papers track invites research contributions. The Posters and Videos track invites experience reports, best practices, project reports, and works-in-progress. One of the poster sessions will showcase student projects completed in makerspaces and we explicitly invite such submissions.

Important Dates

PapersPosters / Videos
Paper authors submit first draftsMay 30, 2019
First round notifications sentJune 20, 2019
Authors revise and resubmitJuly 11, 2019
Poster authors submit 2 page abstract and poster; Video authors submit videoJuly 18, 2019
Author notificationsAugust 1, 2019August 1, 2019
Accepted paper authors submit final versionAugust 15, 2019
Early registration deadlineAugust 15, 2019
Accepted poster/video authors submit final versionSeptember 5, 2019 5pm EDT
Program issued with presentation information (date, time)September 20, 2019
ISAM 2019 beginsOctober 16, 2019


Authors should submit an initial draft paper of up to six pages in length (using the provided paper template) by May 30, 5pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time. Initial drafts should clearly state the contribution, methods, and any results obtained thus far. Where work is ongoing, authors should clearly describe what steps they plan to complete before the re-submission deadline on July 11. The program committee will review initial submissions and notify authors with one of three decisions: accept; revise and resubmit; or reject. Authors invited to revise and resubmit papers must submit a revision that addresses the comments of the reviewers by July 11. After this deadline, the program committee will review submitted papers again, and decide whether these papers will be accepted or rejected. Papers that were not accepted during the review process will be invited to submit to the poster track.

Posters and Videos

The Posters and Videos track invites experience reports, best practices, project reports, and works-in-progress. One of the poster sessions will showcase student projects completed in makerspaces and we explicitly invite such submissions. Poster authors should also submit an extended abstract of up to 2 pages which will be included in the proceedings. Posters will be presented during a poster session; some authors may also be invited to participate in panel discussions. We will also continue the video presentations, which will run on the same review schedule as the poster track. Videos must be no longer than 6 minutes.

Student Posters

We look forward to featuring student work at ISAM 2018 and are encouraging student poster submissions. If you’ve created something – in class or as a hobby – and want to share it, we want to hear from you. We’re looking for cool stuff made by enthusiastic and passionate student makers. Accepted poster presenters will be given space to display hardware. Show your passion for making – submit a poster today!

Download the call for student posters

Submission Process

Poster authors should submit a two-page extended abstract (using the paper template) as well as a draft of their poster by July 18, 5pm EDT. Video authors only submit a video without an extended abstract. There is no revise and resubmit cycle for posters and videos.

Online Submission

Submit a paper

Submit a poster or a video

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